Causes: Its almost the end of the year!

for causes

08 Oct 2024

Can you believe we're just 3 months away from the end of the year? It's been an incredible journey so far, and we want to make sure your forgood profile is in tip-top shape for the busy months ahead! We've put together some valuable tips based on feedback from volunteers, donors, and our experience to help you attract more support for your Cause:

🚨. Respond within 5 Days: Only 47% of our Causes respond to volunteers and donors within 5 days. That means 53% might be missing out on incredible opportunities! With over 500 Causes on our platform, a delayed response could signal to volunteers or donors that you no longer need help.

⭐.Rate Your Activities: More than 60% of activities on forgood go unrated. This makes it difficult for us to track your impact. Rating activities is quick and easy, and it helps us understand the quality of volunteer and donor engagement.

🔍.Keep Your Needs Clear: We've heard from volunteers and donors that some needs posted by Causes are unclear or have errors (such as location or missing details). Imagine being in their shoes—what would you want to know before offering your time or money? Clear, accurate needs help volunteers and donors make informed decisions.

📝. Update Your Compliance Documents: To remain active on our platform, it’s important to keep your compliance documents updated. If your documents are overdue for more than 3 months, we may have to deactivate your profile. We know dealing with SARS can be tricky, so we’re giving you a grace period—use it wisely!

📈.Update Beneficiary Numbers: We love reporting on the impact you’re making! Ensure your beneficiary numbers are updated at least once a year so that we can celebrate your success accurately. A good time to do this is when you submit your narrative report to DSD or compile your annual report.

By following these tips, you'll not only improve your communication with volunteers and donors but also keep your forgood profile score above the minimum of 60%.

Got any questions or challenges? We’re here to help—just send us an email!

Log in to your profile and make those updates today!

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